saint exupery antoine de der kleine prinz

Сент-Экзюпери Антуан де Der kleine Prinz

Сент-Экзюпери Антуан де Der kleine Prinz


"Der kleine Prinz" des franzosischen Autors Antoine de Saint-Exupery ist ein Klassiker im besten Sinne: Seit uber 60 Jahren fasziniert das moderne Marchen uber Freundschaft und Menschlichkeit junge wie alte Leserinnen und Leser und ubt eine ungebrochene Anziehungskraft aus. "Der kleine Prinz" wurde in nahezu alle Medien ubertragen, aber "In der Comic-Interpretation ahnelt der Kleine Prinz den Zeichnungen im Original, wirkt aber (...) noch junger und lebendiger." Der Tagesspiegel In Frankreich wurde der Band begeistert aufgenommen und 2008 im Rahmen des wichtigsten europaischen Comicfestivals in Angouleme als beste Graphic Novel fur junge Leser ausgezeichnet.

2488 Руб.

Saint-Exupery Antoine de Der Kleine Prinz

Saint-Exupery Antoine de Der Kleine Prinz


Als der Berufspilot und Schriftsteller Antoine de Saint-Exupery im Jahr 1943 seinen 'Kleinen Prinzen' erfand, konnte er nicht ahnen, welch gewaltiger Welterfolg sein Buchlein werden sollte. Die philosophisch-poetische Geschichte vom kleinen Prinzen, der auf der Suche nach Freunden allerlei seltsame Planeten bereist, ubt ungebrochene Faszination aus. Das moderne Marchen beruhrt mit seinem Pladoyer fur Menschlichkeit Leserinnen und Leser jeden Alters und wurde vom Autor selbst mit Illustrationen versehen. Das ideale Buch zum Verschenken oder Geschenktbekommen.

1245 Руб.

Saint-Exupery Antoine de Der kleine Prinz

Saint-Exupery Antoine de Der kleine Prinz


"Willst (In mein Geheimnis horen? Es istganz einfach: Man begreifi gar nichts, wcnn das Herz nicht dabei ist."

1905 Руб.

Saint-Exupery Antoine de Der Kleine Prinz

Saint-Exupery Antoine de Der Kleine Prinz


»Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wichtigste ist fur die Augen unsichtbar.« Im Jahr 1942 kritzelte Antoine de Saint-Exupery erste Entwurfe des ›kleinen Prinzen‹ auf eine New Yorker Restaurantserviette. Spater wurde seine magische und geheimnisvolle Geschichte zum Jahrhundertwerk, uber 80 Millionen Mal verkauft und in 180 Sprachen ubersetzt. Der Konig, dem die Sterne gehorchen, die widerspruchliche Blume, der gezahmte Fuchs und die Erkenntnis, dass Erwachsene seltsam sind: ›Der kleine Prinz‹ wurde poetisch und kunstvoll einfach vom brillanten Erzahler Peter Stamm ins Deutsche ubertragen.

2410 Руб.

Saint-Exupery Antoine de Nachtflug. Die Geschichte seines Lebens in Bildern

Saint-Exupery Antoine de Nachtflug. Die Geschichte seines Lebens in Bildern


›Nachtflug‹ - der legendare Roman von Antoine de Saint-Exupery - neu aufgelegt mit der Geschichte seines Lebens in Bildern "Sollte ich abgeschossen werden, werde ich rein gar nichts bedauern. Vor dem kunftigen Termitenhaufen graust mir. Und ich hasse die Robotertugend. Ich war dazu geschaffen, Gartner zu sein.", schloss 1944 der franzosische Schriftsteller Antoine de Saint-Exupery einen seiner letzten Briefe, bevor er auf seinem Aufklarungsflug uber dem Mittelmeer verschwand. Nach dem Krieg wurde sein ›Der kleine Prinz‹ mit 80 Millionen Exemplaren zu einem der weltweit erfolgreichsten Bucher, sein ubriges Werk blieb dagegen ein wenig in dessen Schatten. Seine autobiographisch gepragten Romane wie sein beruhmtester, ›Nachtflug‹, schildern die heroische Anfangsphase der Fliegerei: nachtliche Kurierfluge uber Patagonien und Afrika, Taifune und Unwetter, die Uberquerung der Meere mit stotternden Motoren und rasendem Herz. Mut, Freundschaft, Entschiedenheit, die Moral fur die anderen einzustehen - das sind die Motoren all seiner Werke: sein literarisches Vermachtnis.

2012 Руб.

Iturbe Antonio The Prince of the Skies

Iturbe Antonio The Prince of the Skies


From the bestselling author of The Librarian of Auschwitz comes another epic historical novel translated by Lilit Zekulin Thwaites and based on a true story – the extraordinary life and mysterious death of Antoine de Saint-Exupery, author of The Little Prince. Poet. Aristocrat. Pilot. Hero. Only the best pilots are given jobs at Latecoere, France. The successful candidates include Antoine de Saint-Exupery. A man whose desire to fly will put him at odds with his aristocratic family and the girl who loves him – but who wants to keep him grounded. Together with his friends Jean and Henri, they will change the history of aviation and pioneer new mail routes across the world. But Antoine is also destined to touch the lives of millions of readers with his story The Little Prince. But as war begins to threaten Europe, Antoine’s greatest adventure is yet to come . . .

3664 Руб.

Saint-Exupery Antoine de Wind, Sand and Stars

Saint-Exupery Antoine de Wind, Sand and Stars


Both a gripping tale of adventure and a poetic meditation, Antoine de Saint Exupery's Wind, Sand and Stars is the lyrical autobiography of an aviation pioneer, from the author of The Little Prince. This Penguin Modern Classics edition is translated from the French with an introduction by William Rees. In 1926 de Saint-Exupery began flying for the pioneering airline Latecoere - later known as Aeropostale - opening up the first mail routes across the Sahara and the Andes. Wind, Sand and Stars is drawn from this experience. Interweaving encounters with nomadic Arabs and other adventures into a richly textured autobiographical narrative, it has its climax in the extraordinary story of Saint-Exupery's crash in the Libyan Desert in 1936, and his miraculous survival. 'Self-discovery comes when a man measures himself against an obstacle,' writes Saint-Exupery. This book explores the transcendent perceptions that arise when life is tested to its limits. Writer and aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupery (1900-44), was born in Lyon, France. His first two books, Southern Mail and Night Flight, are distinguished by a poetic evocation of the romance and discipline of flying. Later works, including Wind, Sand and Stars and Flight to Arras, stress his humanistic philosophy. Saint-Exupery's popular children's book The Little Prince is also read by adults for its allegorical meaning. Saint-Exupery's plane disappeared during a mission in World War II.

2179 Руб.

Iturbe Antonio The Prince of the Skies

Iturbe Antonio The Prince of the Skies


From the bestselling author of The Librarian of Auschwitz, Antonio Iturbe, comes a captivating historical novel based on a true story - the extraordinary life and mysterious death of Antoine de Saint-Exupery, author of The Little Prince. Flying. Love. War. For some men everything is an adventure . . . All Antoine de Saint Exupery wants to do is be a pilot. But flying is a dangerous dream and one that sets him at odds with his aristocratic background and the woman he loves. Despite attempts to keep him grounded, Antoine is determined to venture forwards into the unknown. Together with his friends, Jean and Henri, he will pioneer new mail routes across the globe and help change the future of aviation. In the midst of his adventures, Antoine also begins to weave a children's story that is destined to touch the lives of millions of readers around the world. A story called The Little Prince . . . Fame and fortune may have finally found Antoine, but as the shadow of the Second World War begins to threaten Europe, he's left to wonder whether his greatest adventure is yet to come . . .

4012 Руб.

Saint-Exupery Antoine de Vol de nuit

Saint-Exupery Antoine de Vol de nuit


«Ainsi les trois avions postaux de la Patagonie, du Chili et du Paraguay revenaient du sud, de l'ouest et du nord vers Buenos Aires. On y attendait leur chargement pour donner le depart, vers minuit, a l'avion d'Europe. Trois pilotes, chacun a l'arriere d'un capot lourd comme un chaland, perdus dans la nuit, meditaient leur vol, et, vers la ville immense, descendraient lentement de leur ciel d'orage ou de paix, comme d'etranges paysans descendent de leurs montagnes. Riviere, responsable du reseau entier, se promenait de long en large sur le terrain d'atterrissage de Buenos Aires. Il demeurait silencieux car, jusqu'a l'arrivee des trois avions, cette journee, pour lui, restait redoutable...»

2504 Руб.

Saint-Exupery Antoine de El Principito

Saint-Exupery Antoine de El Principito


El valor de la amistad, el heroismo como meta y la responsabilidad como motor de la conducta moral encuentran su plasmacion definitiva en el mundo que descubre El principito, anorado planeta del que todos los hombres han sido exiliados y al que solo mediante la fabulacion cabe regresar.

3273 Руб.

Saint-Exupery Antoine de Petit Prince

Saint-Exupery Antoine de Petit Prince


Le premier soir je me suis donc endormi sur le sable a mille milles de toute terre habitee. J'etais bien plus isole qu'un naufrage sur un radeau au milieu de l'ocean. Alors vous imaginez ma surprise, au lever du jour, quand une drole de petite voix m'a reveille. Elle disait : S'il vous plait... dessine-moi un mouton ! Hein ! - Dessine-moi un mouton... J'ai saute sur mes pieds comme si j'avais ete frappe par la foudre. Le chef-d'?uvre universel de poesie, d'humanite et d'emotion...

2768 Руб.

Saint-Exupery Antoine de Little Prince

Saint-Exupery Antoine de Little Prince


A pilot stranded in the desert awakes one morning to see, standing before him, the most extraordinary little fellow. "Please," asks the stranger, "draw me a sheep." And the pilot realizes that when life's events are too difficult to understand, there is no choice but to succumb to their mysteries. He pulls out pencil and paper... Thus begins this wise and enchanting fable that, in teaching the secret of what is really important in life, has changed the world forever for its readers. Often seen as a symbol of childhood innocence, Antoine de Saint-Exupery's best-selling book The Little Prince is cherished by children and adults alike across the globe. Ideal for children aged 7 and up. This beautiful edition contains the definitive translation and all the original illustrations. The Little Prince joins the ranks of A Little Princess, The Secret Garden & Peter Pan as a genuine children's classic of the twentieth century. Antoine De Saint-Exupery was born in 1900 in Lyon. In 1921, he began his training as a pilot By 1926, he had became one of the pioneers of international postal flight. In 1945 he embarked on a record-breaking attempt to fly from Paris to Saigon. Nineteen hours into the flight, his plane crashed in the Sahara desert. He survived the crash but spent three days battling dehydration, limited food and hallucinations. On the fourth day, the was rescued. In part, this experience was the inspiration for 'The Little Prince'. He continued to fly until World War II, during which he took self-imposed exile. On 31 July 1944, he disappeared over the Mediterranean while flying a reconnaissance mission.

3904 Руб.

Saint-Exupery Antoine de Night Flight

Saint-Exupery Antoine de Night Flight


Under the pressure of his boss, the intransigent Riviere, the airmail pilot Fabien attempts a perilous flight during a heavy night-time thunderstorm in Argentina. As conditions get worse and the radio communication with Fabien becomes increasingly difficult, Riviere begins to question his uncompromising methods, and his distress turns to guilt when the pilot’s wife comes to find him in search of answers. Based on Saint-Exupery’s own experiences as a commercial pilot, Night Flight is a haunting and lyrical examination of duty, destiny and the individual, as well as an authentic and tragic portrayal of the intrepid early days of human air travel.

1977 Руб.

Saint-Exupery Antoine de, Saint-Exupery Antoine de Маленький принц. Книга для чтения на французском языке

Saint-Exupery Antoine de, Saint-Exupery Antoine de Маленький принц. Книга для чтения на французском языке


Философская сказка-притча "Маленький принц" является итогом творчества замечательного французского писателя и военного летчика Антуана де Сент-Экзюпери. В ней он в метафорической форме затронул вечные вопросы человеческого бытия: добра и зла, жизни и смерти, любви и красоты, бесконечного одиночества среди большого и не всегда доброго мира. В книге представлен неадаптированный текст шедевра Сент-Экзюпери, а также разнообразные упражнения: от простых - ответов на вопросы, позволяющих оценить уровень понимания прочитанного, до сложных, призванных научить детей мыслить и делать обобщения на французском языке. Пособие предназначено для учащихся старших классов школ с углубленным изучением французского языка и студентов младших курсов языковых вузов. Комментарии, задания и словарь О. Г. Сорбалэ. К книге выпущен аудиодиск CDmp3 (ID 333003) - в комплект не входит. Прослушивание компакт-диска позволит развить навыки аудирования и освоить правильную французскую интонацию и произношение.

278 Руб.

Saint-Exupery Antoine de The Little Prince

Saint-Exupery Antoine de The Little Prince


When a pilot crash-lands in the Sahara Desert he meets a stranger - a little prince - who has arrived on Earth from an entirely different planet. By listening to the prince's stories and his questions about the world, it becomes clear to the pilot that truths about life can reveal themselves in the most unlikely of places. Translated into 180 languages and selling over 80 million copies, this beautiful and wise tale of childhood innocence will delight readers of all ages. This edition also includes Antoine de Saint-Exupery's charming original illustrations.

851 Руб.

Saint-Exupery Antoine de Il Piccolo Principe

Saint-Exupery Antoine de Il Piccolo Principe


“Se mi addomestichi, avremo bisogno l’uno dell’altra. Per me tu sarai unico al mondo. Per te io saro unica al mondo…” Libro ad alta leggibilita. Per avvicinare ogni tipo di lettore, anche dislessici e con disturbi dell’apprendimento. Con apparato didattico finale: sintetico, ma ricco di note e curiosita e una mappa concettuale.

3466 Руб.

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