elger dietmar dadaism

Elger Dietmar Dadaism

Elger Dietmar Dadaism


A precursor to Surrealism, the Dada movement stressed the absurd and unpredictable, the illogical and chaotic, lashing out against traditional esthetics and upending artistic conventions. Emerging from the artistic and intellectual milieu of Zurich during World War I, it signaled a re-evaluation of art's cultural relevance in the shadow of industrialized war. Jean Arp, Tristan Tzara, Marcel Duchamp, and Man Ray were among the most famous proponents of Dada, creating works that dared viewers to expand their notions of what might be considered art. This book explains the impulses and theories that gave rise to Dada, the forerunner of conceptual art. Featured artists: Max Ernst, George Grosz, John Heartfield, Johannes Baader, Hannah Hoch, Raoul Hausmann, Kurt Schwitters, Johannes Theodor Baargeld, Hans Arp, Marcel Duchamp, Francis Picabia, Tristan Tzara, Man Ray.

1049 Руб.

Dietmar Elger. Dadaism

Dietmar Elger. Dadaism

Пр-во: Республика

Emerging amid the brutality of World War I, the revolutionary Dada movement took disgust with the establishment as its starting point. From 1916 until the mid 1920s, artists in Zurich, Cologne, Hanover, Paris, and New York posed a radical assault against the politics, social values, and cultural conformity which they regarded as complicit in the devastation of conflict. Dada artists shared no distinct style but rather a common wish to upturn societal structures as much as artistic standards and to replace logic and reason with the absurd, chaotic, and unpredictable. Their practice encompassed experimental theater, games, guttural sound-making, collage, photomontage, chance-based procedures and the “readymade", most notoriously Marcel Duchamp's urinal, Fountain (1917). Throughout, the Dadaists considered the visual appearance of their work secondary to the ideas and critiques it expressed. In this sense, Dada may be seen as a fundamental precursor to conceptual art. With a selection of key works from some of the most famous proponents of Dada such as Tristan Tzara, Marcel Duchamp, Hannah Höch, Kurt Schwitters, Francis Picabia, and Man Ray, this book introduces this urgent, subversive, and determined twentieth century movement and its lasting influence on modern art.

2450 Руб.

Elger Dietmar Dadaismus

Elger Dietmar Dadaismus


Wie Dada das Establishment aufmischte Die inmitten der Brutalitat des Ersten Weltkriegs entstandene revolutionare Dada-Bewegung fu?te auf der radikalen Ablehnung des Establishments. Von 1916 bis Mitte der 1920er-Jahre richteten Kunstler aus Zurich, Koln, Hannover, Paris und New York sich vehement gegen Politik, Werte und Kulturkonformismus der damaligen Zeit. Die Dada-Kunstler hatten keinen gemeinsamen Stil, sondern waren durch den Wunsch verbunden, die Strukturen der Gesellschaft und kunstlerische Standards umzuwalzen sowie Logik und Vernunft durch das Absurde, Chaotische und Unvorhersehbare zu ersetzen. Zu ihren Praktiken gehorten experimentelles Theater, Spiele, gutturale Laute, Collagen, Fotomontagen, auf dem Zufall beruhende Verfahren sowie das „Readymade“, dessen beruhmtestes Beispiel Marcel Duchamps Pissoir Fountain (1917) ist. Die Dadaisten legten weniger Wert auf die au?ere Erscheinung ihrer Werke als auf die Ideen, die sie ausdrucken wollten. In dieser Hinsicht kann man Dada durchaus als Vorganger der Konzeptkunst betrachten. Anhand von Schlusselwerken einiger der beruhmtesten Vertreter des Dada wie Tristan Tzara, Marcel Duchamp, Hannah Hoch, Kurt Schwitters, Francis Picabia und Man Ray stellt das vorliegende Buch diese dringliche, subversive und zu allem entschlossene Bewegung des 20. Jahrhunderts vor und untersucht ihren enormen Einfluss auf die Kunst der Moderne und Gegenwart.

3435 Руб.

Elger Dietmar Dadaisme

Elger Dietmar Dadaisme


L’absurdite contre l’ordre etabli Emergeant de l’horreur de la Premiere Guerre mondiale, le revolutionnaire mouvement dada a pris pour point de depart son degout de l’ordre etabli. De 1916 jusqu’a la moitie des annees 1920, des artistes a Zurich, Cologne, Hanovre, Paris et New York sont radicalement montes au creneau contre la politique, les valeurs sociales et le conformisme culturel qu’ils consideraient complices du conflit devastateur. Les artistes dada ne possedaient pas un style commun distinctif mais partageaient le meme desir de renverser les structures sociales aussi bien que les conventions artistiques et de remplacer la logique et la raison par l’absurde, le chaotique et l’imprevisible. Leur pratique englobait theatre experimental, jeux, sons gutturaux, collage, photomontage, procedes fondes sur le hasard et le tout-fait, dont le plus celebre est l’urinoir de Duchamp, Fontaine (1917). Pour les dadaistes, l’aspect visuel de l’?uvre etait moins important que les idees et critiques qu’elle exprimait. En ce sens, dada peut etre considere comme un precurseur essentiel de l’art conceptuel. Grace a une selection d’?uvres cles de quelques-uns des plus celebres adeptes de dada, comme Tristan Tzara, Marcel Duchamp, Hannah Hoch, Kurt Schwitters, Francis Picabia et Man Ray, ce livre presente ce mouvement fulgurant, subversif et determine du 20e siecle et son influence durable sur l’art moderne.

3699 Руб.

Dietmar Elger. Abstract Art

Dietmar Elger. Abstract Art

Пр-во: Республика

Это важное введение охватывает международную широту, концептуальную глубину и сейсмическое влияние абстрактного искусства с тщательным обзором не только громких имен, таких как Пикассо, Клее, Клайн, Ротко и Поллок, но и менее известных фигур, которые сделали не менее значительный вклад, в том числе Антони Тапиес, К.О. Гётц, Ад Рейнхардт и Софи Тойбер-Арп.В каждой книге серии TASCHEN Basic Genre представлены:- Около 100 цветных иллюстраций с пояснительными подписями.- Подробное иллюстрированное введение, а также хронология наиболее важных политических, культурных и общественных событий того периода.- Подборка важнейших произведений эпохи, каждое из которых представлено на двухстраничном развороте с полностраничным изображением и сопроводительной интерпретацией, а также портретом и краткой биографией художника.Дитмар Эльгер изучал историю искусств, историю и литературу в Гамбургском университете. В 1984/85 годах он был секретарем студии Герхарда Рихтера, а с 1986 по 2006 год куратором живописи и скульптуры в Музее Шпренгеля в Ганновере. Он организовал множество выставок современного искусства и с 2006 года руководит Архивом Герхарда Рихтера в Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden. Для TASCHEN он является автором томов «Экспрессионизм, дадаизм и абстрактное искусство.This essential introduction spans the international breadth, conceptual depth, and seismic impact of abstract art with a thorough survey not only of the big names such as Picasso, Klee, Kline, Rothko, and Pollock, but also lesser-known figures who made equally significant contributions, including Antoni Tàpies, K. O. Götz, Ad Reinhardt, and Sophie Taeuber-Arp.Each book in TASCHEN's Basic Genre series features:Approximately 100 color illustrations with explanatory captions.A detailed, illustrated introduction plus a timeline of the most important political, cultural, and social events that took place during that period.A selection of the most important works of the epoch, each presented on a two-page spread with a full-page image and accompanying interpretation, as well as a portrait and brief biography of the artist.The author:Dietmar Elger studied art history, history, and literature at the University of Hamburg. In 1984/85, he was secretary of Gerhard Richter's studio and between 1986 and 2006 curator for painting and sculpture at the Sprengel Museum, Hanover. He has organized numerous exhibitions on modern and contemporary art and has directed the Gerhard Richter Archive at the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden since 2006. For TASCHEN he has authored the volumes Expressionism, Dadaism, and Abstract Art.

2450 Руб.

Elger Dietmar Abstract Art

Elger Dietmar Abstract Art


Abstraction shook Western art to its core. In the early part of the 20th century, it refuted the reign of clear, indisputable forms and confronted audiences instead with vivid visual poems devoid of conventional representational imagery and characterized by allegories of emotion and sensation. This radical artistic adventure established new artistic means, as much as narratives. Expression became characterized by shocking juxtapositions of color, light, and line. Artists abandoned the conventions of brush and easel and played with new materials and methods of artistic gesture: commercial paints and housepainter's brushes, working on unstretched and unprimed canvases, moving the canvas to the floor, and applying paint with hands. This essential introduction spans the international breadth, conceptual depth, and seismic impact of abstract art with a thorough survey not only of the big names such as Picasso, Klee, Kline, Rothko, and Pollock, but also lesser-known figures who made equally significant contributions, including Antoni Tapies, K. O. Gotz, Ad Reinhardt, and Sophie Taeuber-Arp.

2048 Руб.

Свитер Jan Vanderstorm Elger, темно-синий

Свитер Jan Vanderstorm Elger, темно-синий

Пр-во: Jan Vanderstorm

Бренд: Jan VanderstormЦвет: темно-синий

10295 Руб.

Куртка Dietmar с карманами Mustang, черный

Куртка Dietmar с карманами Mustang, черный

Пр-во: Mustang

Бренд: MustangЦвет: черный

18206 Руб.

Heldt Dora, Schami Rafik, Simon Lars Noch mehr Gute-Laune-Geschichten

Heldt Dora, Schami Rafik, Simon Lars Noch mehr Gute-Laune-Geschichten


Stimmung gut, alles gut. Lachend kommt man einfach besser durchs Leben. Und bevor die Laune sinkt, drucken Sie Ihren Kundinnen und Kunden dieses Buch in die Hand: eine neue Sammlung heiterer und humorvoller Geschichten - mit der Lizenz zum Schmunzeln. Mit dabei: Dora Heldt, Ulrike Herwig, Lars Simon, Marlies Ferber, Rafik Schami, Markus Orths, Stefan Maiwald, Frank Goldammer, Dietmar Bittrich, Astrid Ruppert und viele mehr.

2832 Руб.

Виниловые пластинки, Noton, ALVA NOTO / RYUICHI SAKAMOTO - Utp_ (2LP)

Виниловые пластинки, Noton, ALVA NOTO / RYUICHI SAKAMOTO - Utp_ (2LP)

Пр-во: Noton

Каталожный номер N-054, Формат 2LP, Лейбл NotonA1 Attack / TransitionA2 GrainsB1 Particle 1B2 TransitionB3 Broken Line 1C1 Plateaux 1C2 SilenceC3 Particle 2D1 Broken Line 2D2 Plateaux 2 / EndMusic By - Alva Noto, Ensemble Modern, Ryuichi SakamotoMusician - Aaron Baird, Dietmar Wiesner, Eva Böcker, Johannes Schwarz, John Corbett, Norbert Ommer, Patrick Jüdt, Rainer Römer, Rumi Ogawa, Yuval Gotlibovich

7600 Руб.

Grave Digger Heavy Metal Breakdown, 2002, (кассета, аудиокассета) (МС), оригинал

Grave Digger Heavy Metal Breakdown, 2002, (кассета, аудиокассета) (МС), оригинал

Пр-во: Победа SHOP

Оригинальная запечатанная кассета 2002.Лейбл:Not On Label Формат:Кассета, Album, Unofficial ReleaseСтрана:RussiaДата релиза:2002Жанр:RockСтиль:Heavy MetalA1 Headbanging Man 3:37A2 Heavy Metal Breakdown 3:42A3 Back From The War 5:35A4 YesterdayKeyboards – Dietmar Dillhardt5:06A5 We Wanna Rock You 4:18B1 Legion Of The Lost 4:54B2 Tyrant 3:17B3 2000 Lightyears From Home 2:54B4 Heart Attack 3:17Внимание! Кассеты раритетные, выпущены несколько десятков лет назад . В результате длительного хранения на некоторых возможны небольшие трещины на боксах, повреждения и надрывы упаковочной пленки.Претензии на кассеты со снятой упаковочной плёнкой не принимаются.После распаковки кассеты рекомендуется перемотать и только потом воспроизводить.

1000 Руб.

Rosler Dietmar, Wurffel Nicola DLL 05. Lehr- und Lernmedien. Fort- und Weiterbildung weltweit. Buch mit DVD

Rosler Dietmar, Wurffel Nicola DLL 05. Lehr- und Lernmedien. Fort- und Weiterbildung weltweit. Buch mit DVD


Im Sprachunterricht begleiten Lehr- und Lernmedien den Lernprozess von Anfang an. Die Vielzahl der Medien macht Kommunikation moglich, wie sie fur viele Lernende auch au?erhalb des Klassenzimmers Realitat ist. Es ist wichtig, dass Lehrkrafte Lehr- und Lernmedien fur ihre Zielgruppe auswahlen und didaktisieren konnen und dass sie wissen, wie man Zusatzmaterialien fur den eigenen Unterricht adaptieren kann. Der Band bietet eine grundlegende Neubearbeitung, die sowohl Aktualisierungen als auch das Hinzufugen neuer Inhalte umfasst: So haben die Themen Produktion von Zusatzmaterialien durch Lehrende und Lernende und der Wandel des Fremdsprachenunterrichts durch die digitalen Medien Eingang in den Band gefunden. In einem neuen Kapitel werden zudem digitale Werkzeuge und Apps fur die Unterstutzung eines mobilen, kooperativen und multimodalen Lernens vorgestellt. Einheit 5 der Reihe Deutsch Lehren Lernen geht folgenden Fragen nach: Welche Lehr- und Lernmedien konnen den Unterricht bereichern? Wie sind Lehrwerke aufgebaut und wie didaktisiert man Texte fur spezifische Zielgruppen? Welche Rolle spielen die digitalen Medien beim Sprachenlernen und wie verandert sich Sprachenlernen durch die Nutzung sozialer Medien?

2451 Руб.

Бишофф У. Max Ernst

Бишофф У. Max Ernst


With unparalleled artistic originality Max Ernst (1891–1976) transformed everything he touched. By pushing the boundaries and breaking loose from the confined view of the culture of his time, he became one of the most important figures of Dadaism and Surrealism. Driven by the counter-reaction to the horrors of World War I, he became a pioneer of the Dada movement. The closing of the famed Dada exhibit in Cologne for ‘obscenity’ led Ernst to spend the rest of his life in Paris, where he came in contact with the Surrealists.Above all, Ernst stands out for his varied style and technique, having produced an oeuvre that reaches from paintings, drawings, and sculpture, across texts and stage settings to collage novels and the development of his own ‘frottage’ technique. During World War II, Ernst, like many of his colleagues, became an ‘undesirable foreigner’ and was forced to emigrate; however, he returned to France after the war. Continuing a career that spanned decades, in 1954 he received the Grand Prize for Painting at the Biennial in Venice.This book is a journey through magic, vividness, and fantasy. It is a gateway into the intricate mind and world of Max Ernst.

2007 Руб.

Бишофф У. Max Ernst

Бишофф У. Max Ernst


With unparalleled artistic originality Max Ernst (1891–1976) transformed everything he touched. By pushing the boundaries and breaking loose from the confined view of the culture of his time, he became one of the most important figures of Dadaism and Surrealism. Driven by the counter-reaction to the horrors of World War I, he became a pioneer of the Dada movement. The closing of the famed Dada exhibit in Cologne for ‘obscenity’ led Ernst to spend the rest of his life in Paris, where he came in contact with the Surrealists.Above all, Ernst stands out for his varied style and technique, having produced an oeuvre that reaches from paintings, drawings, and sculpture, across texts and stage settings to collage novels and the development of his own ‘frottage’ technique. During World War II, Ernst, like many of his colleagues, became an ‘undesirable foreigner’ and was forced to emigrate; however, he returned to France after the war. Continuing a career that spanned decades, in 1954 he received the Grand Prize for Painting at the Biennial in Venice.This book is a journey through magic, vividness, and fantasy. It is a gateway into the intricate mind and world of Max Ernst.

2007 Руб.

Abloh Virgil Virgil Abloh. Nike. Icons. Somthing`s Off

Abloh Virgil Virgil Abloh. Nike. Icons. Somthing`s Off


Nike and Virgil Abloh reinvigorated 10 icons of sneaker history In 2016, sportswear manufacturer Nike and fashion designer Virgil Abloh joined forces to create a sneaker collection celebrating 10 of the Oregon-based company’s most iconic shoes. With their project The Ten—which reimagined icons like Air Jordan 1, Air Max 90, Air Force 1, and Air Presto, among others—they reinvigorated sneaker culture. Virgil Abloh’s designs offer deep insights into engineering ingenuity and burst with cultural cachet. Drawing on the genius of the original shoe using lettering, ironic labels, collage, and sculpting techniques, Abloh played with language and sculptural elements to construct new meaning. Inspired by the wit of Dadaism, architectural theory, and avant-garde happenings, he analyzed what makes each shoe iconic and deconstructed it into an artistic assemblage, making each shoe into a piece of industrial design, a readymade sculpture, and a wearable all at once. ICONS traces Abloh’s investigative, creative process through documentation of the prototypes, original text messages from Abloh to Nike designers, and treasures from the Nike archives. We find Swooshes sliced away from Air Jordans and reapplied with tape or thread, Abloh’s typical text fragments in quotation marks on Air Force 1, and All Stars cut into pieces. We take a look behind the scenes and witness Abloh’s DIY approach, which gave each model in the Off-WhiteTM c/o Nike collection its own unique touch. His deconstructive vocabulary is reflected in the Swiss binding, which showcases an open spine and discloses the production of the book. The book documents Abloh’s cooperative way of working and reaffirms the power of print. For its design Nike and Abloh partnered with the acclaimed London-based design studio Zak Group. Together they conceived a two-part compendium, equal parts catalog and conceptual toolbox. The first part of the book presents a visual culture of sneakers while a lexicon in the second part defines the key people, places, objects, ideas, materials, and scenes from which the project grew. Texts by Nike’s Nicholas Schonberger, writer Troy Patterson, curator and historian Glenn Adamson, and Virgil Abloh himself frame the collaborative work within fashion and design history. A foreword by Hiroshi Fujiwara places the project within the historical continuum of Nike collaborators.

12121 Руб.

Max Ernst

Max Ernst

Пр-во: Республика

Изучаем запутанный путь мастераС беспримерной художественной оригинальностью Макс Эрнст (1891–1976) преобразовывал все, к чему прикасался. Раздвигая границы и вырываясь из ограниченного взгляда на культуру своего времени, он стал одной из самых важных фигур дадаизма и сюрреализма. Движимый противодействием ужасам Первой мировой войны, он стал пионером движения Дада. Закрытие знаменитой выставки дадаизма в Кельне за «непристойность» привело Эрнста к тому, что он провел остаток своей жизни в Париже, где познакомился с сюрреалистами.Прежде всего, Эрнст выделяется своим разнообразным стилем и техникой: он создал творчество, простирающееся от картин, рисунков и скульптур, от текстов и сценических декораций до романов-коллажей и развития своей собственной техники «фроттаж». Во время Второй мировой войны Эрнст, как и многие его коллеги, стал «нежелательным иностранцем» и был вынужден эмигрировать; однако после войны он вернулся во Францию. Продолжая карьеру, охватывающую десятилетия, в 1954 году он получил Гран-при за живопись на биеннале в Венеции.Эта книга — путешествие через волшебство, яркость и фантазию. Это ворота в сложный разум и мир Макса Эрнста.Exploring the intricate journey of a masterWith unparalleled artistic originality Max Ernst (1891–1976) transformed everything he touched. By pushing the boundaries and breaking loose from the confined view of the culture of his time, he became one of the most important figures of Dadaism and Surrealism. Driven by the counter-reaction to the horrors of World War I, he became a pioneer of the Dada movement. The closing of the famed Dada exhibit in Cologne for ‘obscenity’ led Ernst to spend the rest of his life in Paris, where he came in contact with the Surrealists.Above all, Ernst stands out for his varied style and technique, having produced an oeuvre that reaches from paintings, drawings, and sculpture, across texts and stage settings to collage novels and the development of his own ‘frottage’ technique. During World War II, Ernst, like many of his colleagues, became an ‘undesirable foreigner’ and was forced to emigrate; however, he returned to France after the war. Continuing a career that spanned decades, in 1954 he received the Grand Prize for Painting at the Biennial in Venice.This book is a journey through magic, vividness, and fantasy. It is a gateway into the intricate mind and world of Max Ernst.

2650 Руб.

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